CYO Athletics
Welcome to Incarnate Word Academy Athletics!
Welcome to Incarnate Word Academy Athletics! The goal of the IWA CYO sports program is to nurture spiritual, physical, emotional, and social growth while encouraging individual and team skill development.

Cross Country – Boys & Girls, Grades 3-8
Volleyball – Boys & Girls, Grades 3-8
Tennis – Boys & Girls, Grades 3-8
Basketball – Boys & Girls, Grades 3-8
Cheer – Girls, Grades 6-8
Track – Boys & Girls, Grades 2-8
Baseball – Boys, Grades 4-8 *depending on interest
Softball – Girls, Grades 4-8 *depending on interest

Athletic Director
Tony Lee
Christopher Brooks
Vice President
Kristy Tomcho
Jill Thein
Paul Vitaz
Sergeant at Arms
Tim DeGeeter
CYO inspires young people to know God, love God, and serve God through Athletics. CYO provides equitable opportunities for children to participate in a safe environment while having fun and learning skills with friends. CYO strives to animate and promote these Gospel values of Catholic Charities:
Incarnate Word Academy coaches help youth grow and develop from young athletes into tomorrow’s leaders. Our coaches accomplish this through modeling Christ-like values while patiently teaching skills to athletes of all levels, sharing experiences with their team and treating everyone with dignity.
Dignity of Person “…in the Divine image God created humanity…” (Genesis 1:27). CYO Athletics shall contribute to the dignity of each athlete by accepting one another with compassion, respect, patience, kindness, humility and understanding.
Hope “I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10). CYO Athletics shall nurture a positive spirit in each athlete by believing that each individual has been created by God and is capable of making significant contributions to the community.
- Service “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10). CYO Athletics shall nurture a spirit of selfless service by providing opportunities and challenges to young people and adults as they learn about themselves and others as they grow in service in their parish community and beyond.
- Justice “This is what God asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8). CYO Athletics shall create an atmosphere where Sportsmanship and Fair Play are the cornerstones. CYO will develop the character of the participants and emphasize the importance of integrity, respect and accountability in our daily lives.”