
Message from the Principal
Welcome to Incarnate Word Academy! Whether you are a current family, an alum, or prospective family, we invite you to peruse our website and visit our campus so that you can experience for yourself the rich history and welcoming culture of Incarnate Word Academy, a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.
Our foundation stems from the Sisters of the Incarnate Word, an order of faithful and fearless women, whose mission was to establish a premiere Catholic academy providing a challenging educational experience rooted in the Gospel values. These values and beliefs passed down from the Sisters many years ago remain with us today.
The Sisters of the Incarnate Word reside on the third floor of our building and are still very much a part of our community. Some of the Sisters provide Early Care before school, assist as lunch monitors, and visit the classrooms to read a book or share their faith and vocation. The time spent with the Sisters profoundly impacts our faculty, students, and families.
Within the classrooms, our students are given service-learning opportunities that address real-world problems to be solved. Our established community partnerships allow our students to work with the zookeepers at the Cleveland Metropark Zoo designing mobile habitats, beautifying the pedestrian tunnel at Huntington Beach through mural work, students collaborating with a local architect firm as they reimagine our Sean P. Bush ‘09 Technology Center using Tinkercad 3-D software, and through enriching speakers from the Young Entrepreneurs Institute that support an entrepreneurial mindset.
Our students are encouraged to get involved with our service clubs such as our in-house Tech Team that repairs student Chromebooks, our Service Club that extends outreach into the local community, an Adaptive Device club that imagines and creates purposeful devices for individuals with disabilities, our Sewing for Service that makes blankets and other items for those in need, and many more. Additionally, we are proud of our designation as a Purple Star school through the State of Ohio, recognizing our support of the military and their families through various service projects led by our seventh grade students each year.
At the entrances and exits of our campus you will notice signage that reads, “Enter to Learn” and “Exit to Serve.” That is the essence of who we are and what we do as we strive to live the Gospel Values. Proudly sponsored by the Sisters of the Incarnate Word, we continue to pass on the tradition of excellence that came before us.
Praised be the Incarnate Word, Now and Forever!
Steffany Congelio

Welcome from the President